Buy Or Adopt?
Adopting A Corgi
Why adopt a Corgi from a rescue group? Adopting from a Corgi rescue has sundry benefits for the soon-to-be owner. Foster parents, who care for the Corgi in their private home, learn the dog’s temperament and can attest to whether the dog is cat-friendly, child-friendly, or is good with other dogs. Medical needs are addressed before the dog’s placement in a forever home. The foster parents note any habits such as fence climbing or marking, which they can begin to curb prior to adoption. Beginning housetraining and basic commands within the foster home decreases the stress for you and your new dog. Fewer surprises at the time of adoption increase the chances for a perfect match between Corgi and owner. There’s a rescue dog in a foster home waiting for you to provide a loving, forever home. Won’t you give this dog a second chance?
Checking references assures our rescue that our Corgis will be placed in suitable homes. As an adopter, you should also check references before adopting from a rescue. Don’t be afraid to ask for references. Call the Missouri State Dept. of Agriculture, ACFA Department. All rescues must be licensed and inspected by the State of Missouri. Do your homework by visiting Remember—you are making a lifetime commitment.
Buying From A Pet Store Or Online
Buying a puppy from a pet store is buying from a puppy mill. The only difference—the broker and pet shop increase your cost. Missouri is infamous for the highest rate of puppy mills and backyard breeders in the United States. For more information, please visit NO PUPPY MILLS or HEARTS UNITED FOR ANIMALS for the real story of that "doggie in the window."
Buying From A Breeder
With large numbers of puppies and dogs available in rescue, please consider a rescue dog for your family; however, if you are looking for a puppy, there ARE good, responsible breeders committed to preserving breed standards while screening for health, temperament, and conformation for each litter they breed. Read How to Recognize a Good Breeder to locate a breeder below who is in a local Corgi Club and the National Corgi Club. Ask the breeder if they are currently showing their dogs in venues such as obedience, agility, conformation. Visit the PWCCA website.
Below are photos of puppies bred and raised by an excellent breeder. A reputable breeder whelps and raises their litters in the home, socializes the pups, and tends to their medical needs. Unlike puppy mill dogs, these pups will not leave mom at 5-6 weeks of age. In contrast, puppies in the pet store come from puppy mills and are raised in unsanitary environments, suffer medical neglect, and are taken from their mom before they are old enough to be weaned.
Photos courtesy of Bonnie Mitchener, Channelsyde Corgis
Responsible breeders share the following characteristics: a focus on a single breed or a few selected breeds; expertise on the breed’s health, heritable conditions, temperament, and behavior; due diligence in the historical research and ongoing study of the breed; mentoring relationships; club memberships; participation in the showing, raising, and training of the breed.
Responsible breeders are well suited to educate and screen potential buyers/adopters and provide follow-up support after purchase or adoption. Responsible breeders take lifetime responsibility for the animals they have bred.

ASPCA Position
The ASPCA advocates the following best practices for responsible breeders:
- Never sells puppies to a dealer or pet shop.
- Screens breeding stock for heritable diseases and removes affected animals from breeding program. Affected animals are altered; may be placed as pets as long as health issues are disclosed to buyers/adopters.
- Removes aggressive animals from breeding program; alters or euthanizes them.
- Keeps breeding stock healthy and well socialized.
- Never keeps more dogs than they can provide with the highest level of care, including quality food, clean water, proper shelter from heat or cold, exercise, socialization and professional veterinary care.
- Has working knowledge of genetics and generally avoids inbreeding.
- Bases breeding frequency on mother's health, age, condition and recuperative abilities.
- Does not breed extremely young or old animals.
- Often breeds and rears dogs in the home, where they are considered part of the family.
- Ensures neonates are kept clean, warm, fed, vetted and with the mother until weaned; begins socialization of neonates at three weeks of age.
- Screens potential guardians; discusses positive and negative aspects of animal/breed.
- Ensures animals are weaned (eight to ten weeks of age for dogs and cats) before placement.
- Offers guidance and support to new guardians.
- Provides an adoption/purchase contract in plain English that spells out breeder's responsibilities, adopter's responsibilities, health guarantees and return policy.
- Provides accurate and reliable health, vaccination and pedigree information.
- Makes sure pet-quality animals are sold on a limited registration (dogs only), spay/neuter contract, or are altered before placement.
- Will take back any animal of their breeding, at any time and for any reason.